Therapy cart is a tour in the exhibitions like you've never experienced it before. Together with an art intermediary, the cart rolls into the exhibition GROUP THERAPY.
Here we jointly create a pop-up 'therapy room' with pillows, blankets, stools and the opportunity to slip into a pair of whimsical socks, so that everyone feels comfortable as we explore the works and dialogue. What does art awaken in you? What does it make you want to express? The responses can be verbal, but they can also be sensuous or performative. In the therapy van, there is no right or wrong, and there are no stupid questions - the only criterion is that we must be sincerely interested in hearing each other's thoughts. Come and experience a different kind of art tour that offers new perspectives on our shared world.
Participation in the therapy cart tour is free of charge when you have paid entry to the museum.
Saturday 12pm-12.50pm
Therapy car is for everyone, but we recommend that participating children are over 15 years old.
Max number of participants: 30
Duration: 50 minutes
Venue: by the black stone in the foyer
Price: Free after paid admission
No signup required.