Ark's Cafe
Photo: ARKEN

For kids

Museet har altid aktiviteter, der åbner for nye og anderledes veje ind i kunsten i børnehøjde og garanterer fællesskab og samvær for hele familien. Du kan læse mere om de forskellige tilbud her.

There is always something fun to do for children and their families. The workshop is open throughout the museum's opening hours. Here you can examine the themes of the current exhibitions and unfold your shared experiences. There are also many fun activities that open up new ways of experiencing the art for the whole family. Children enter the museum for free.

POOL Boldrum. Photo: ARKEN


> Tickets

The sensory room Pool offers a different and fun way into the arts for children and childlike souls. This space is a sensory bath, where it's more about how it feels than what it's all supposed to mean. Pull the curtain aside and step into a colorful universe. Take off your shoes, feel your feet on the floor, swoop into the light and throw yourself into the balls. You may lose your orientation for a while, but go and discover the world from new angles. In Pool you can take an art break and have fun with each other.

Family Workshop

> Tickets

Unleash your inner rainbowmaker! Everyone is welcome in the museum's workshop, where big and small can become rainbow makers inspired by ARKEN's fantastic rainbow, which is called Where do we go from here?, created by artist Ugo Rondinone. Together you can design your very special rainbow room with a lot of different materials. The rainbow rooms can become part of the joint exhibition in the workshop or you can bring them home with you. The workshop is open every day and it is free to attend with admission to the museum. On Saturday and Sunday there is an art presenter present from 11:00 — 16:00, who can help with the creations. Children must be in the company of an adult.

ARTstronauter. Photo: Birgitte Bay Overgaard

The ARTstronauts

> Tickets

ARTstronaut – Rumrejse til den mystiske kunstplanet. ARTstronauterne er en sjov udendørs aktivitet for hele familien. Her leger vi, at ARKEN er vores rumskib, som er landet på ‘’Den mystiske kunstplanet’’, hvor man kan gå på opdagelse blandt museets udendørs værker. Hele vejen rundt om museet ligger der forskellige skulpturer, som skal udforskes med alle sanserne. Gratis udlevering af ARTstronaut-sæt findes i butikken. Her findes forskellige opgaver, som lader børnene opleve værkerne på forskellige kreative måder. Turen tager ca. en halv time og skal foregå i selskab med en voksen. Når turen er slut, afleverer man sættet tilbage i butikken, hvor man modtager sine ARTstronautklistermærker, og herefter kan legen fortsætte i familieværkstedet.

Kid-friendly food and staff in the café

Children of all ages are welcome everywhere at ARKEN, including in the café of course, where we offer healthy, classic children's favourites.

Free parking or bring your bike on the S-train

ARKEN has free parking. It is also free to bring bicycles on the S-train, and the bike ride from Ishøj Station (2.6 km) to the museum is an experience in itself — the red, dancing lampposts by Jeppe Hein light the way to the museum.

Events for kids &  families

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