Every day is ice-cream time when it is spring and summer in Denmark. And there are plenty of great, local spots in Copenhagen. My family and I always bike to Ismageriet on Amager, our ‘go-to’ spot, but there are many more to discover as well. In the summer of 2024, Ismageriet will also open on Refshaleøen. We will have to try that. Enjoy, for example, a ‘Nutella kiks’ (with oreos) or the vegan ‘Peanut Yuzu’.

Rud Langgaardsvej 6E, 2300 Kbh. S og Refshalevej 163F, 1434 København K

Running is a way of clearing my head, and I often get my best ideas when I am running. My preferred running route is along Amager Strandpark, which is located close to where I live – and, of course, we also go there for a swim during the summer period. Amager Strandpark functions as an extra space in the city where people can do all the things they used to do in the green parks. There are all sorts of stuff going on: sport and exercise, music and even concerts in the summer, and members of every generation are present, going for a swim, having fun, barbecuing and hanging out with friends on the long bright evenings.

Amager Strandpark, Promenaden 1, 2300 Kbh.

Foto: Frederikke Lund Stoustrup

Naturally, you should also go visit the place I work: ARKEN Museum of Contemporary Art. Remember to bring your swimsuit because the museum is located right next to one of the best sandy beaches in the Copenhagen area. And there is a lovely sculpture park, which remains interesting throughout the year. ARKEN was built in 1996 and looks like a ship on land. Currently, you can experience the world-famous artist Anish Kapoor who is exhibiting 11 sculptures and installations – it is the largest exhibition featuring his works so far in Scandinavia. And there is also an exhibition with the newest contemporary art from the Danish art scene. The exhibition is titled ‘Group Therapy’ because I believe that art is capable of doing something very special in the times that we live in with climate collapse, wars and conflicts. We need hope, we need to be together in 3D and to see ourselves and our feelings reflected in art – and sometimes we just need to take a break from ‘doom scrolling’ on our phones.

www.arken.dk for aktuelle åbningstider. 
ARKEN Museum for Samtidskunst, Skovvej 100, 2635 Ishøj

Christianshavn is a must-see place when in Copenhagen. Inspired by the Dutch model with small cosy canals where the boats lie side by side and old warehouses. It is also where Christiania is located as well as Refshaleøen with its wide array of delicious dinner places. However, the place where I like to go the most is ‘Båden’ (‘The Boat’), a name which is a tiny bit crazy considering that it is in fact an old train car. The café is located somewhat removed from the touristy places, though at the same time you can sit and ‘people spot’ who passes by in the boats. Life on the water is a unique part of Copenhagen’s charm.

’Båden’, Wilders Plads 15C, 1403 Kbh. K. 
Tirsdag-fredag kl.8-14 Lørdag 10-15 Søndag lukket 

Foto: Mathilde Mågård Hansen

I have lived in Paris for many years, and therefore I love French cuisine. For numerous years, I have come to ‘Restaurant Maison’, which is a classic spot in central Copenhagen. If possible, I always sit in the bar, particularly if I am there with people from abroad, with whom I am discussing new projects or collaborating. Because the atmosphere and conversation always differ in the bar than at a table. I am also looking forward to a new acclaimed restaurant called ‘Brasserie Post’, which is located in an old post office on Østerbro, right next to the city’s largest park, Fælledparken. It is probably a good idea to book a table in advance because Copenhageners love to eat out.

Restaurant Maison Dronningens Tværgade 43, 1302 Kbh. K. 

Brasserie Post, Øster Allé 1, 2100 Kbh. Ø. 

Foto: Brasserie Post

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