Three Things You Need to Know About Frederik Næblerød
The 36-year-old Danish artist will open his largest solo exhibition to date here at the museum in February 2025.
The 36-year-old Danish artist will open his largest solo exhibition to date here at the museum in February 2025.
Always easy to recognise for his raw, uncompromising and playful style, Frederik Næblerød, despite his young age, is already busy making his name, nationally and internationally. He grew up in Frederiksberg and graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen in 2018, after which the artist began a collaboration with the Alice Folker Gallery. Here are three things you need to know about Frederik Næblerød.
1. As an artist and as a human being, Næblerød is energetic, productive and intuitive. He has a huge dedication to his art, loves working in his studio in Copenhagen’s Sydhavn district and is constantly getting new ideas. Considering his infinitely busy brain, Næblerød’s art acts as an outlet for all of his endless thoughts and impressions, dreams and nightmares, all of which are expressed in a surprising and fascinating way in his impulsive and wild artworks.
2. Næblerød himself explains that he is preoccupied with storytelling, and that he gets his ideas “from anywhere – all the time”. His motifs may stem from some common everyday life situation, something catching his attention in the cityscape, which then in Næblerød’s eternally art-producing brain evolves into something different: a psychedelic, diabolical, illustrious motif. Often the motif is simply stolen out of everyday life like this, after which he distorts the immediate impression,similar to the way it happens in dreams, and creates the final work in his recognisable, playful style.
3. In 2018, Næblerød, alongside artist Casper Aguila, was nominated for the AICA Prize, also known as the Art Critic Award. The two artists’ joint exhibition at Alice Folker Gallery, titled Off-Grid Gallery (2019), also received an award from the Danish Art Foundation.
You can experience the solo exhibition of Frederik Næblerød at the museum from 06.02.25 – 27.07.25. Read more about the exhibition here.
Frederik Næblerød. Photo: Kavian Borhani
Frederik Næblerød. Photo: Kavian Borhani
Alice Folker, ”Frederik Næblerød”, 2024.
Jakob Hedegaard-Høgh, ”Det kribler og dirrer i Frederik Næblerød før solo-debuten i Horsens: - Det er nyt for mig overhovedet at kunne sidde på min flade”, Horsens Folkeblad, 23 April 2022.
Bodil Skovgaard Nielsen, “DR’s serie om kunstnerdrengerøven Frederik Næblerød er ’Bamses Julerejse’ for voksne”, Information, 25 June 2021.
Missu Schneidermann, ”Frederik Næblerøds første værk blev for nylig gensolgt for 34.000 kr.: “Når jeg vågner om morgenen, springer jeg op og hører høj techno, mens jeg steger to spejlæg med fødderne. Det synes jeg godt, man kan se på mine billeder” ”, Børsen, 2 May 2020.